Snack Pack
Your school will be receiving weekend snack pack bags this year from a ministry of East Brainerd Church of Christ.  This supplemental weekend food is to help school children who may need additional food over the weekend.  This will in no way affect any other food programs your family is currently involved in.  If you would like for your child to receive one of these snack packs each Friday of the school year, please complete the following form.
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Parent Email
Parent Phone Number
I understand the food in the Snack Packs may contain all types of food products including nuts, gluten, etc.  These bags MUST NOT be opened on the bus or in school, but only when your child is home. If any time during the school year you would like to stop the Snack Packs, please let Mr. Joey know of this change.  
Child's Name:
Child's teacher: *
Grade: *
I have read and understood the above information and would like to receive food bags for my child.   *
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